Thursday, November 11, 2010


kind words are like honey;
good for the soul & healing to the bones
proverbs 16:24

Today, the sun is out.
& now that i am already talking about the sun, I can tell you how excited I am for summer
I will welcome you with open arms my friend!

Aswell as seing all the Christmas decorations at the supermarket & shopping malls makes me sort of giddy!-don't judge me.
In my opinion it's never to early for Christmas.

favourite food at the moment has been:

-i've become best friends with goldern kiwifruit.
dried dates
banana on toast
honey sandwiches
feijoa tea

& mandarin h2go water

Mum is going through a new fase.
cooking new food.
instead of me making my own seperate meal & mum making the classic steer family household spagetti bolonaise mince mixture to feed us for a solid season- she has been branching out now that she has a new cook book.
she is very cute.
she bought a new appron & everything!
-and will make any excuse to wear it around the house.
i enjoy her very much.

& something else she got:
This was a long time ago- (about a month ago)
I came downstairs, & found a soda stream on the counter top!
My dreams had come true.
Since then, my fluid intake has consisted of soda water.

ps: i got a job!
-hello Jesus providing.
& it's the most wonderful job i could possibly imagine.
Nannying for the two most full of life childern i have ever met.

The other day while i was eating an orange, and you know when you hold up a piece of orange peal to your face and squeeze it in half, the juice out of the skin spits out?
Did it to Tracey.
Now everytime I eat an orange, Tracey asks me to have sparkles on her cheek.

Nannying is also
teaching me how
to think of fun ways
to eat food!

I really do think life is good
(smiles big goofy grin.)

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